The Texas Musician Jesse Smith

The Texas Musician Jesse Smith
Famous Unknown Tomball Musician

Jeff Woolsey & the Dancehall Kings

I have seen how musicians improve. I have had 3 decades to see how the ones that are now really good, got there. Every one that rose to the top lived their instruments, practicing continuously. One I watched was Jeff Woolsey. Jeff worked with us many times. I never saw him be rude,impolite or show discourtesy to anyone. When I first met him he was already an accomplished musician. The influence of his step father, Harry Griffith and his step fathers band, The Other Country, gave Jeff an opportunity to perform at an early age.
His current band, Jeff Woolsey and the Dancehall Kings perform regularly. This is a very good band to go see, when you can. Their schedule,cd's, and tons of info can be found on their website.
His myspace page is

It has always been a pleasure to consider Jeff as a friend and fellow musician. When I know where they are playing*, I will post it.
Jesse Smith/The LoneStar Cowboys

*I am very seldom to use the words, where they are playing, performing is my choice. A career, as a
serious musician is not playing.

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