The Texas Musician Jesse Smith

The Texas Musician Jesse Smith
Famous Unknown Tomball Musician


Howdy Yall!

WESTERN LIVE TALK RADIO! Cowboy singers and cowboy poets visit RALPHS BACK PORCH LIVE!

I’m Ralph and my partner is Tamara and we do the Ralphs Back Porch Show! www. blogtalkradio. com/ralphsbackporch

The BACK PORCH is a live talk show featuring the WESTERN artists YOU want to talk to! Shoot, we chat on air with some of the best singers & poets in the West! Folks like: Don Edwards, Baxter Black, RW Hampton, The Gillette Bros, Juni Fisher, Joni Harms, Sisters of the Silver Sage, Andy Wilkinson, Andy Hedges, Buck (the Big man) Helton, Tommy Alverson, Ginny Mac, Biscuits OBryan, Dave Stamey, TJ Casey, Wylie & the Wild West, Del Shields, Ken Cook and hundreds more all here with us LIVE and KICKIN!

Monday & Friday nights, 7 until 9 PM TEXAS time, and the LIVE call in number is 347 215 8849

So, drop by and have some fun with us!

Give a call and tell us what’s on your mind!

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