The Texas Musician Jesse Smith

The Texas Musician Jesse Smith
Famous Unknown Tomball Musician

Suthern Comfort and Mundo Earwood

Hi it's just me here is the information I told you that I would send to you.

The club that we are playing at is Spur's Country Western Saloon there address

is 10310 FM 1488 Magnolia, Texas 77354. If someone was to need directions

they can get them off their e-mail address the e-mail is

The date's we have booked there are:

July 11- Suthern Comfort Band only

July 18- Mundo Earwood and Suthern Comfort

July 24- Suthern Comfort Band only

August 28- Suthern Comfort Band only

August 29- Mundo Earwood and Southern Comfort

If you could put this information on your blogs for me I would really appreciate it.

We are trying to get out the word that we are back playing again for one but we

are really try to get the word out so people can come out and see our show and

to enjoy the music and just have some fun.

In case someone may want to book us.

Jamie Holder Cell# 281-515-0158 for bookings

Mundo Earwood and Suthern Comfort Band


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