The Texas Musician Jesse Smith

The Texas Musician Jesse Smith
Famous Unknown Tomball Musician

Great news & exciting news from Liz Talley

Happy Holidays Ya'll!
Bundle up this week,,,,gonna be chilly...

Great news this week...My sister Alice has been battling breast cancer again and we found
out the chemo worked, almost shrunk the thing completely!  She had surgery to take the last
little bit out...all went well.  I spent the night with her at MD Anderson and we stayed up all
night long having a slumber party.  No drinks, snacks, movies, just interruptions....haha....
Thanks to all you prayer warriors that put her name on your prayer list!  Prayer Power wks...

Exciting news....I'm opening for George Jones Saturday night at the Arena Theater!!!
yahoo, wahoo, yippee,.....He's my favorite all time singer and I have been chasing this for a
couple of months, finally gave up.  They called Wed afternoon...(better late than never)..whew! 
Been jumping through hoops to get it together...Very excited about this opportunity and hope I
don't fall off the moving round stage!  haha...Sounds like something I would do...haha

Ya'll be safe out there shopping...don't forget to lock your car doors and be aware of what's
going on around you.....lots of crazy desperate people out there these days!

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